Support Your Local Surf Shop

We think our local surf shops in all the towns and suburbs around the country are super important for a number of reasons. They're the lifeblood of our communities and they each contribute to what makes our towns and cities so unique.
The unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak has driven a majority of our retail partners to close their doors -- which is a responsible decision that we fully back.
We feel that it's our duty as a surf brand to support those retailers that have helped put us on the map. Starting today we'll give a percentage of every online purchase to a local Creatures retailer, so that you can support your favorite surf shop from the comfort of your home.
We're all in this together and the more we can support one another the better. You can now choose to reward your local surf shop that you've been supporting since you caught the itch of surfing! Simply choose your shop before you enter the checkout process.
Thanks for the continued support and for helping us pay respect to the surf shops that put us on the map!